Wednesday 8 May 2013

Last Weeks Antics and Racing

Gidday Fellas.

Been a pretty hectic couple weeks as of late. 

Love watching the Giro d’Italia on TV at the moment, the most beautiful Grand Tour according a token Italian at the brew shop the other day! I tend to agree at this stage with so many flamboyant I-ti’s ripping around their home country It makes for a very unpredictable race which is always exciting for a spectator!  Should be a Grand Tour, great pun.

Anyway back to number one ha.

UCI 1.2 - Hoboken

This was a race just out of Antwerp that was never really suited to me as it was basically dead flat with one small rise that barely classified as that.  The race consisted of 4 large laps and a further 6 smaller local laps.  It had a very technical course with traffic furnature popping out and almost collecting you everytime you try to have a look on the inside of the rider infront.  Its in my nature to start lighting fireworks and letting them fly early on in the race but with the course so flat and fast I knew it was best to wait and conserve the fire crackers for later in the race.  When the early break was caught, I could no longer contain myself and the curry build up in my legs had become too much (some riders have a lactate build-up, but not me) I threw down the spices and gapped the field up the small incline.  A further 7 riders saw this opportunity as the winning move and came up to me.  We spent close to 40km off the front driving to get away from a roaring pelo, to where unfortunately one team had missed the break and rode us down.  I think if one member from that team had made the split we would have stayed away!  That’s bike racing I suppose!

UCI Top-Comp 1.2 – Circuit de Wallonie

The following weekend was a Lotto Top-Comp in Fleurus that was almost ideal for me, 3 large laps of 50km each and 2 smaller laps of around 10km.  The parcour included a couple sections of pavĂ© and a short berg that at times was touching 26% I am told! Had Vessey written all over it.  It was looking fairly promising the second time over that where the pelo split into maybe 40 which I made with ease. I punctured 10k away from the bottom of the hill which wasn’t an issue but the spare wheel didn’t line up at all well with my gearing and was crunching and chopping gears left right and centre when I would try to put any cumin down, so I was very worried when we were approaching the hill which I knew would be the defining split in the bunch.  Still, I put myself at the front as we rode into the hill to get over with the front, unlucky for me my gears played up and a had to ride the first half of the hill seated until the chain finally gave in and snapped halfway up the hill.  Team car was #17. Race over. Back to the car for a sulk haha.

Looking forward, Triptyque Ardennais this weekend, 3 days where I hope to show some form.

Until then, stay out of trouble.


Spices, spices everywhere.

Out for dinner with Big Tom's Mum

Cracker day on the canals.

Probably doesn't need a caption

So kiwi